Do I 'have to have' an 'internal assessment' when I see a Pelvic Health Physio?


There is no hard and fast rule that you have to do anything at all that makes you uncomfortable, and an internal assessment isn’t ‘compulsory’.

The internal assessment is the ‘gold standard’ tool for Pelvic Health Physios, as it allows us to get the most information about how your pelvic floor area might be impacting your life.

When you visit a Pelvic Health Physio, the first and most important step is having a good, long chat first.

The Physio will ask you questions about the issues you are experiencing, as well as about your bladder and bowel habits, your pregnancy and birth history (if relevant), your sexual health, and about any pain or disfunction you’re experiencing. After that, an internal assessment may be suggested as the best next step. 


If that totally freaks you out, there’s lots of other options we can use to get more information about your pelvic floor muscles.

In particular, we use our Real Time Ultrasound machine, which we can use over your lower belly, to ‘peek inside’ at your pelvic floor muscles. Whilst not as informative as an internal assessment, this can still give us heaps of helpful information to allow us to make a rehab plan for you.

So, if it’s the ‘internal’ assessment that’s putting you off seeking help - please don’t let it delay you any longer. We will help you in tbe way that feels most comfortable for you ☺️.

Book your Pelvic Floor Assessment here: