Good Skin = Good Health

Why Every Woman Should Prioritise Skin Cancer Checks

I think we can all agree that when our skin is looking good, we feel so good!

But, did you know that regular skin cancer checks play a crucial role in maintaining that glowing complexion?

Here in Australia, the sun can be lethal, and taking care of our skin goes beyond just aesthetics—it's about safeguarding our health.

The Stats:

Skin cancer rates among women aged 20-60 have been on the rise. Sickeningly, two in three Australians will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer before the age of 70.

We can't let these statistics go unnoticed! Our skin deserves a little extra TLC.

Frequency Matters:

So, how often should you get your skin checked?

Experts recommend a thorough examination by a healthcare professional every 12 months, and more frequently if you have a family history of skin cancer or if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

Prevention is the key to reducing the impact of skin cancer.

Meet Our Skin Hero - The Skin Cancer Nurse:

Exciting news! At bodyBEgood, we know the huge importance of having regular skin checks, and we want to ensure the skin health of our community too…

So, we've partnered with the lovely Amy Hucker, from Skin Cancer Ballarat, to make it super easy for you to get your skin checks.

Amy will be visiting our clinic on Thursday March 21st, to conduct skin checks.

This 30 minute consult involves a thorough examination of your skin, from top to toe. Amy will assess your skin, discuss any concerns, and provide personalized advice to keep your skin in tip-top shape.

Normally, these consults are $100 each, but Amy is offering a 10% discount to all bodyBEgood clients.

Please, if you haven’t had a skin check for a looong time, email us to book yours today.

Beyond Skin Checks: A Holistic Approach:

While skin checks are essential, adopting a holistic approach to skincare is also so important!

Our 3 key tips for healthier skin are:

  1. Use SPF Every. Single. Day!!!

  2. hydrate your skin, and

  3. nourish it from within with a balanced diet!

Your skin is a reflection of your overall well-being!

Thanks for reading guys, here’s to happier and healthier skin,


Emma PowellComment