What's The Best Type Of Exercise To Be Doing...?

There’s a lot of noise out there about what sort of exercise is ‘best’.

And, here in Ballarat, we are spoilt for choice, with so many options for healthy activities, to keep our bodies, and our minds, satisfied.

We know that the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines tell us that, as adults, we should be aiming to get at least 150 to 300 minutes, of moderate intensity exercise, every week.

(That’s more than 30 minutes a day! Have you scheduled that in yet this week…?)

But, what’s the best type exercise for you to do?

Well firstly, the best exercise is one that you actually enjoy! Something that you don’t hate, and that you can stick with on a longer term basis!

That’s the very first, most important part, of having a regular, reliable exercise regimen

When you’re planning out your 300-ish minutes of exercise over the course of your week, you want to think about including:

  1. Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardio exercise helps to enhance and maintain our heart and lung health, as well as muscle strength, flexibility, and overall mobility.

Cardio exercise can be a fast walk, jog, swim, or even a dance in your living room! (I’m glad you can’t see mine!)

Why Cardio Matters:

  • Heart Health: Cardio exercises keep your ticker happy and healthy, reducing the risk of heart disease.

  • Mood Booster: That rush of endorphins will have you feeling like you're on top of the world.

2. Strength Training

Especially as we start to head towards our more ‘golden’ years, the importance and relevance of strength training becomes more and more important.

You really want to be incorporating some form of strength training, on at least two or more days a week.

It doesn't have to be lifting massive weights. Bodyweight exercises using every-day equipment at home can be a great start.

It’s important with strength training that you slowly and consistently increase the loads you are working with, to ensure your body continues to be challenged, and get the most benefit from the strength training exercise.

Why Strength Training Matters:

  • Metabolism Boost: Building and maintaining muscle mass revs up your metabolism, helping you stay fabulously fit.

  • Bone Density Love: Strength training is your ticket to preserving bone density, essential for a strong and resilient frame.

3. Flexibility work

I find some of my clients consider flexibility a bit of an ‘after-thought’; something that can be done at home ‘later on’ (which usually means To Be Forgotten!).

Flexibility doesnt have to mean doing the splits, or putting your feet behind your head!

When I talk with clients about flexibility, it’s about being able to move and use your body to do all the fun activities that you want to in life. You don’t want to struggle to sit cross legged on the floor to play with your grandkids, and you dont want to struggle to reach behind your back to do up your bra!

Functional flexibility exercises ensure we can keep up all the activiites we need to, for a full and active lifestyle.

Why Flexibility Matters:

  • Joint Health: Flexibility exercises keep your joints supple, reducing the risk of injury and promoting longevity.

  • Stress Melter: Say goodbye to stress as you unwind with these calming activities.

Finding Your Exercise Groove

For me, Pilates is a way to tick almost all of these boxes, on the regular. I get a great amount of strength training from the Reformer, and love the way Pilates helps me to maintain my flexibility. Mixing in a couple of sessions of Pilates a week, with a daily walk, is the perfect way for me to tick my fitness goals.

Remember, this is your journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all. Tailor your exercise routine to your preferences and lifestyle. Whether you're an early morning jogger, a lunchtime yogi, or an evening stroller, find what suits you best.

Find something you love, and STICK WITH IT!